IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
Indlela yokuthumela:
Inombolo yezigaba:
Imininingwane yemithombo
Imibuzo evamile
Imininingwane enzuzo
Indlela yokuthumela:Ikhurumela
Ukubonisa umlingani
The 2MP+2MP HRD camera module utilizes a high-speed MIPI interface, making it highly suitable for applications such as data collection, security monitoring, face recognition, living body detection, access control systems, advertising machines, and smart terminals. This module boasts exceptional performance and versatility.

Imininingwane yemithombo
IModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed InterfaceIModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed InterfaceIModhulethi Yekhamera Yezintambo ZeMIPI High-Speed Interface
Thumela izinqubo zakho futhi
sizokuxhumana nawe.




